Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ripe Grapes, Small Downtown and a couple.

I did an e-session with Shandi and Kurt, who I will be shooting their wedding next summer, they are so much fun. We had a blast shooting, well I did anyways (I can only speak for myself, but I am pretty sure they had a good time as well). We did some shooting at Rex Hill Vineyards , they were very nice and had no problem with us shooting a Big thank you to them they have a very beautiful vineyard. It was great except for the smell of, apprently fresh and very close, fertilizer...that was really funny and then there is a machine that goes off to scare the birds and it sounds like a gun, so we had that going off through out the entire time we were shooting...but it was all really funny and they rolled with it very, very is one of those things that will make them remember that day forever, beyond the photos.

We also went to a local park, where we were dodging frisbees, from people playing frisbee golf...but we made it out alive and it was a great shooting place...

We also did some shooting in downtown Newberg, which is a cute little town...

It was great session and I am so looking forward to shooting thier wedding next summer!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a lovely couple!!! (and lovely images)