Monday, October 27, 2008

Familar blanket, Pink Tutu and Mom...

A couple of weeks ago, Tove (their wonderful mom) got a hold of me and wanted me to do a shoot with her girls, Ava and Charlotte. They are such adorable little girls and I had so much fun following them around the Pearl and shooting them, they might have different thoughts on that, LOL...but either way they did a really good job.

Their mom, wanted quite a few different processes on the photos and I thought it would be fun to post the processes that she liked in my with out further adieu...


Anonymous said...

Very cool work.

Kriea Arie said...

I really like that first shot!

Anonymous said...

Oooo! These are good! I was trying to keep mental note on which ones I like best, but they're all really good.

Anonymous said...

Love these photos. Beautiful work Brandon!!